The truth about our Stars

by WeAreWakinUp

Posted on January 1, 2019 at 12:00 PM

A Video by Flat_Earth_Awakening

Stars aren't Billions Light Years Away(Expriment1) \

أول مقطع من مقطع فيديو من
Flat_Earth_Awakening على YouTube
نحن لا نعرف ارتفاع النجم بالضبط ، لكنهم لا يبعدون مليارات السنين و اكن هم فقط فوق رؤوسنا
انظر بنفسك الى #الارض_المسطحة

which I feel is important enough to show the whole video today, we don't know the exact height of the #Star but they aren't Billions of light years away they’re just there over our heads, look into #FlatEarth for Yourself !

Stars aren't Billions Light Years Away(Expriment2) \

Second clip from a video by Flat_Earth_Awakening on YouTube which explains things & shows things so well, we dont know the exact height of the #Star but they arent Billions of light years away & the so called #Planets are just wondering Stars, look into #FlatEarth for Yourself !!

Stars aren't Billions Light Years Away(Expriment3) \

Third clip from a video by Flat_Earth_Awakening on YouTube which shows people are about to repeat what they say is happening above, lets see science do the same with their #Nuclear Bomb in #Space, which is basically a constant Explosion, look into #FlatEarth for Yourselves !!!!